Project Description

Design Workshops

Why workshops?

Workshops are an important part of design and key in bring everyone together at key stages of product development.

I use them to get things done fast, collaboratively as below:

  • analysing data or research findings
  • articulating design strategy with senior stakeholders to get buy-in
  • Design critiques to get feedback on tasks
  • brainstorming ideas with the core product team or beyond
  • assessing feasibility with development or prioritizing work
  • Sharing leassons learned

@ AXA Hong Kong I worked alongside other SMEs to introduce Design Thinking and promote UCD practices to various business teams. I have planned and facilitated both independently or as part of a team multiple workshops that allowed key stakeholders to apply design thinking to existing business problems/projects.

The workshops happened at different stages of the development process and focussed on various aspects of the user experience. The key objective was to advocate for a robust discovery process, an iterative approach to validate ideas and test solutions early on to ensure that the business objectives are in sync with user problems and that the products we launch are not disconnected from user expectations.

Workshop types

  • User Insights Review

Aimed at reviewing & socialising user research findings, to validate assumptions or identify areas of opportunity for development.

  • Ideation & Validation

A divergent-convergent approach aimed at fast generation of ideas based on user desirability followed by validation and elimination based on feasibility and viability criteria.. Analysing problems through multiple lenses is great for rephrasing ambiguous requirements and innovating.

  • Design Critiques

Sessions aimed at getting feedback from various team members at different project stages. They can cover everything from new library assets, user flows, or entire product features. Are a great way to democratise and evangelise design.

  • Prioritisation

An absolute must to make informed decisions, gain alignment and realistically size and plan work. Also very useful in creating and reviewing roadmaps .